Checklist for bidders - The way to a successful bid
All bidders should have a fair chance in competition.
Bundesbeschaffung GmbH (BBG) stands for fair and transparent competition based on the applicable legal provisions. In addition, the BBG carries out a number of procedure-specific measures in award procedures - voluntarily and beyond the legal obligation - in order to draw the attention of potential bidders to the respective award procedures. In this context, we cooperate, for example, with stakeholders such as chambers of commerce and welcome the mobilisation of bidders by those stakeholders.
Our Claim
Equal treatment & transparency
All participants should be able to witness correct and fair procedures. Clear documentation and transparent communication are important to us.
Support for bidders
A process that prevents errors is in the interest of all parties involved. Therefore, the BBG supports bidders as far as possible within the framework of the public procurement law.
Minimise bureaucracy
Public procurement procedures are clearly regulated by law and require formal processing. However, bureaucracy should be kept as low as possible.
High number of tenders
The aim is a fair competition - no exclusion for formal reasons or due to technical obstacles. The best tender should win.
Getting started - your path to participation in a tender procedure
Our checklist is intended to help you find information on planned procurement procedures, to avoid common mistakes and to highlight what you should pay particular attention to.
#1: Obtain information
A list of planned as well as current tender procedures can be found on our website under the link As soon as the documents have been published, the download symbol (sheet of paper with an arrow pointing downwards) appears here in the right-hand column. By clicking on the symbol, you can download the tender documents free of charge via
You also have the option of registering for your area of interest (your products or services) - free of charge and without obligations at support(at)! You will be conveniently informed by e-mail as soon as a tender is announced in your subject area.
Current invitations to tender
You will find the relevant documents here. Documents are only available in German.
#2: Familiarise yourself with our e-tendering platform
Electronic procurement is mandatory. Therefore, all procedures must be handled fully electronically. Therefore, familiarise yourself with the e-tendering platform in good time!
You will need the „Bietercockpit“ software to process and submit your bid. The software is available free of charge on the platform. Please observe the system requirements. Furthermore, a click instruction provided will support you with the electronic processing of the tender procedure.
Do not forget to keep your contact details up to date! Pay attention to substitution rules and plan the submission of your tender in good time.

#3: Apply for an E-signature
The electronic signature not only makes it easier for you to deal with a wide range of documents in everyday life. As a bidder, you sign your tenders using a so-called "qualified electronic signature". We therefore recommend that you deal with the topic in good time.
Sign digitaly or electronically – here’s how
Electronic signatures make it easier for you to handle many documents without physically sending them. Bidders sign their bids this way. BBG Customers…
#4: Use the question option before tender submission
Often bids have to be excluded due to formal errors. To avoid this, please contact us via the e-tendering platform if you have any open points or something is not clear to you. All questions and answers will be shared anonymously with all interested bidders. Verify and check all necessary supporting documents for the tender procedure so that you can submit your bid on time.
Both for electronic communication with the awarding authority and for the electronic tender submission, you must register on the e-tendering platform and be a participant in the procedure. From the time of the publication of a tender, the BBG may only answer any questions pursuant to the BVergG 2018 by means of the electronic e-tendering platform used ( Only registered participants will be actively informed as soon as a new version of the tender documents is published or the awarding authority sends new messages regarding the procedure.
This transparent and comprehensible exchange of information ensures fair competition and equal treatment of all bidders.
If you have general, purely technical questions regarding the submission of your bid for a BBG tender, the Technical Support Service will also be happy to assist you:
Phone: +43 (0)1/2531-504
Mon. - Fri. from 08:00 - 18:00 (with the exception of national holidays in Germany and Austria)
We look forward to receiving your competitive tender during the submission period!